Tamoxifen and Tinnitus

  • 6 replies
  • 287 subscribers

Hi All

Has anyone developed tinnitus when taking Tamoxifen? I'm only on day 5 of taking the tablet but the ringing in my ears is horrible, I've also got a muzzy head that neither paracetamol nor ibuprofen can shift.

Hugs to everyone here


  • Hi Jopar73 welcome to the forum..I've not heard of thus before but some of the other folks on here may be able to answer more fully. I was on Letrozole but only remember the boney pain. I'm wondering if it's possible that you could be developing a bug which has co-incided with starting Tamoxifen. Either way I would have a chat with your Doctor and highlight how you are feeling to them.


    Community Champion Badge

  • I have tinnitus which preceded the Tamoxifen. I have some hearing loss  in that ear as well. If the tinnitus keeps going they usually refer on to havexitcassesessed by ENT. 

  • I sometimes get ringing in my ears on Anastrazole 

  • I have developed tinnitus since going on Anastrozole. I’m sure I remember another thread here about tinnitus and hormone treatment a while ago. Another annoying side effect! Xx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • And if you Google tinnitus and low oestrogen, lots of references to this in relation to menopause. And since hormone treatments can cause menopausal symptoms (in my case a lot worse than my actual menopause) I guess there’s your answer. Xx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Christ ! I thought it was just me! Yes ! Three years on Tamoxifen and I have a ringing in my ears all the time . Like a lot of things on this beloved cancer journey I just live with it but would be interested in hearing of any remedies .

    penelope x