Follow up after mastectomy (BRCA2)

  • 2 replies
  • 281 subscribers

For those of you who have gone through a bilateral mastectomy and have a BRCA-mutation, are you offered yearly MRI scans? I’m from Sweden and my oncologist says there’s no need for follow-ups since I’ve hade the mastectomy, and that the remaining breast tissue is too small to warrant yearly scans. Just wanted to see if the follow up program differs between bc countries, and if I should be paying for private MRI scans Thinking 

  • Hi DBravs,

    I have a brca1 mutation and had a bilateral mastectomy in 2023. I no longer have annual MRIs since my op, but since I had bc in 2021 I alternate between seeing my oncologist and gynaecologist every 6 months for a manual check over and also have blood tests every 6 months to check tumour markers which gives me good peace of mind. I think this continues for 5 years as then the recurrence risk dramatically lowers. I live in France so may well be different to UK/ Sweden. Could you talk to your oncologist about a blood test instead of an MRI? x

  • I’ll ask about the blood tumor markers, but I don’t think they’re widely used here.