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Hi, Was told ER+ and had lumpectomy and 3 sentinel nodes removed. 10mm lump, clear margins and lymph nodes. I was then told by the breast consultant/ surgeon that I would need chemo and herception as it was also HER positive. At my oncology appt yesterday a predict chart was used to assess treatment options, which surprised me. I thought I would be told what I needed. The test indicated chemo would only benefit me 1or 2%.Oncologist told me to weigh this up against long term chemo side effects. I’ve no idea as I thought HER2+ was always treated with chemo and herceptin. He has prescribed letorasole and 5 days radiotherapy. Anyone else been in this position please ?

  • Hi

     I do understand your confusion as my diagnosis kept changing. I was told the mammogram was only 10mm but the US was 16mm. I was then told that the biopsy was negative with grade 2 and could be treated with a removal and a short dose of radiotherapy and a 5 yr course of hormone treatment as it was hormone born.

    I had the lump removed at 26mm and lymph nodes removed which were clear. That's when it changed to HER2 positive and my tumour was grade 3 and was sent for an oncotype reocurrence score. Then next thing I know I was booked into oncology as the score was 57. The baseline should be 25-26. Panic set in. The oncologist explained that she recommended chemo as it was that high. Without chemo it was 40% chance of coming back at a later date. With chemo I had.a 12-15% chance of it coming back.

    I'm now on a high dose of EC and then Paclataxel after.

    But I do understand the confusion and frustration you must be feeling. Certainly made our head spin. The waiting didn't help either. Many what ifs, should,coulds,woulda questions