Help with side affects -woken up in awful pain

  • 6 replies
  • 283 subscribers


can anyone advise me 

I’m day 9 of first EC chemo and last night took last injection in my stomach for my immune system 

just woken up in awful pain it’s like pulsing through my body my jaw neck chest back lower back the worst and I have been a bit constipated but not had pain like this yet 

yesterday I want for a walk for about 45 mins and I’m on crutches so wonder if I’ve overdone it or is this normal ? Feeling a bit scared right now 


  • Hi  

    I had a painful, pulsating feeling in the small of my back the day after I had the final injection of each 3 week cycle with EC.

    I found that if I lay on my back with a hot water bottle under me then the pain went, but as soon as I stood up it came back. It only lasted 24 hours and then I was fine until 3 weeks later.


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  • Thankyou so much I’ve been really freaking out ! It’s just so scary not knowing if it’s normal ? 
    I do appreciate your help ! Xxx

  • Any other tip greatly appreciated 


  • The only other thing I did was take paracetamol, but the heat from the hot water bottle gave instant relief.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I was told to take an antihistamine and that really helped with the pain. The logic was explained to me but I can't remember it now. I took cetirizine one a day. 

  • I ended up taking codiene after my 2nd EC as the pain in my ribs and breast bone was so sharp I couldn’t lay down or sleep. It went away after 2-3 days of taking pain killers. I was switched to Docetaxel and pre empted it with a mix of ibuprofen and paracetamol. 
    The side effects of beating this sh*tty disease really are the pits!