Post lymph node surgery - driving?

  • 5 replies
  • 271 subscribers

Hello all 

I am fully expecting to need full lymph node surgery on my left side as I have invasive ductal breast cancer that has spread to at least two lymph nodes.

I am in the process of getting a newer more reliable car in place before my treatment begins. Just put a deposit on a manual but now kicking myself and now wondering whether an Automatic might be a good investment. 
does anyone have any experience theyd be willing to share about how long your arm is out of action after lymph node surgery? 

thank you 

  • Hi LottieWat

    Sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer and that it spread to your lymph.  You will be given exercises to do with your arms after surgery to help regain full mobility.  You do them everyday for about six weeks.  You need to be careful with the arm for at least two weeks after surgery.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your possible surgery.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi 

    So sorry to hear about your diagnosis and hope your surgery goes ok. 

    I have just had bilateral surgery- lumpectomies and lymph nodes and I only felt comfortable driving after about 3 weeks. I do drive an automatic which has helped. I started with short distances initially.

    The arm exercises do help as well- you’ll know when you feel ready. 

    Take care x 

  • Hi , sorry to hear about your situation

    ..Im 3 weeks today after a axillary lymph node clearance to level 3 ...which I believe means up to the area of my clavical...( but I have no medical qualifications)! ...I did my arm exercises as instructed, and massaging my arm etc ..and my arm is as normal except for a numbness at the back of it.... Im still taking ( over the counter) pain meds to stay on top of discomfort, But I would say Ive recovered well....

    I hope its a simular journey for you xxxxxx

  • Hi,

    I had a full lymph node clearance on my right side plus a mastectomy and a lumpectomy on my left. I have a slight restriction in movement but this is for reaching high. I use a manual car still and am fine. 

    I had 4 months (12 cycles) of chemo and 15 sessions of radiotherapy which finished mid August. I went back to work full time on 1st September.

    Good luck x

  • I was able to drive after about three or four weeks. I asked the nurse and she said try it and see how you feel. The first time, I didn't feel ready. The second time felt ok. Driving seems to be ok for me. I'm now five weeks post surgery and still have some burning pain sensations and stiffness, but the exercises help and it is getting better slowly. I can't lift anything heavy or reach up without a bit of a struggle, but getting there.