Mirena coil and tamoxifen

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Hi all, seeking wisdom about Tamoxifen, oncology appointments and Mirena coil please

Firstly,  I finished radiotherapy on Friday, supposed to start on tamoxifen soon, but no discussion has been had about this, I was expecting to talk it over with oncologist before taking a drug for 5 years, talk about dangers, side effects etc, have any of you had such a meeting?

Secondly have been told no need to take my Mirena coil out but no discussion about this, seems like a lot of people are told to immediately. Read evidence and seems inconclusive, hard to know what is right, has anyone else kept theirs in?

For reference I am 51, had 8mm tumour in breast removed in July, just had 5 days radiotherapy,  PR8 and ER8 

Thanks in advance Relaxed️