Single Mastectomy - coping strategies please!

  • 2 replies
  • 265 subscribers

Hi Everyone

I'm having a single mastectomy on Friday with no immediate plans for reconstruction. I want to get through all treatments before considering more surgery at this moment in time.

Please could you share your coping strategies that made the whole mastectomy process easier for you? I'm mentally very fragile at the moment, so any tips on how to cope mentally would be really helpful. What did you tell yourself, how did you feel when you saw your scar, how did you cope with a fake boob, did you prefer to go flat, any regrets or are you now happy it's all gone? Etc.

Thank you and Lots of love to everyone on here



  • Hi Jo. I've just had a single mastectomy on 15 August with no reconstruction. I'm 44 and I've got an 18 month old. I didn't feel that I could do the reconstruction at this time with the long recovery period and I've got other health issues that may affect surgery. 

    I was in tears when I was diagnosed as I was distraught at the thought of losing my breast and didn't know how to cope with it at all. I was devastated that my body confidence would be affected, didn't know what to wear post surgery and I was very anxious about it.

    I also didn't want the op to stop me doing things like swimming as I have a little boy.

    Post op, I was pleased with everything. I'm still glad that I haven't gone for reconstruction. I haven’t even used the Softie provided by the BCN. I've gone flat on occasions when going out and wore a loose shirt or hoodie and it's not even that noticeable. I'm glad now to be approaching winter and I can wear a loose jumper etc for the next few months whilst I figure out my clothing choice. 

    I'm more surprised by my attitude and confidence as I really thought I would struggle with this. I'm not repulsed when I look at my body and consider that I'm brave to have gone through this. 

    I'm still figuring some things out but on the whole feel good about it now. 

    Please let me know if I can help you at all and wish8ng you good luck and best wishes for everything. X

  • Hi Jo. Mine is booked for Thursday, I'm having immediate reconstruction. I'm feeling similar to you right now Confused x