DCIS diagnosis today

  • 12 replies
  • 271 subscribers

Hi all, just got back from receiving my results that I have DCIS , only 5mm though.  I’m 51 and quite fit and healthy, or so I thought . Got an appointment with consultant tomorrow to discuss surgery.  Would really appreciate any thoughts or experiences anyone has had as I’m feeling quite overwhelmed and not sure what to think.

  • Hi Fatboyslim welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear what is happening to you right now and completely understand why you may be feeling overwhelmed. I suspect that you will know more tomorrow when you know what the plan is for you and what surgery is needed  and if required any further treatment you may need. Its a scary and uncertain time and its normal to feel as you do but after tomorrow you will know what is going to happen and when and believe it or not you will feel somewhat relieved by that. Please come back and let us know what the next steps are and we will try as best we can to offer as much support as we can. Sending some hugs your way meantime. xxx 


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  • Hi 

    Hope you doing ok I got told 3 weeks ago I have dcis mine is 18mm I have had two wle operation I am not waiting on my second lot of results.i hope everything went ok with yr meeting .please let us know how it went 


  • Meeting went well and I’m having surgery on Monday! 

  • Hi 

    I was the same when I was told my head just went into a spin the good news is they have caught it early and  I was told the prognosis is good . I had an op took 3 weeks off then had to have 5 days radiotherapy to make sure it doesn’t come back. If you need radiotherapy you will have a ct scan to plan your radiotherapy treatment,. If you work I would tell them so they can provide support you may want to contact  councillor through macmillan. I did and found it very helpful. Wishing you a speedy recovery following your op.

  • Hi hope u r doing well did you have a dcis xx

  • Hi hope u feeling a bit more better now you know what is happening xx did u find out u had dcis from biosopy xx the operation is ok and we're I had mine done the staff was amazing xx

  • Hi  hope you doing ok was u diagnosed with a dcis xxx 

  • Good to hear you have a plan and wanted to share this excellent information about DCIS from the American Cancer Society.  I live in Florida.  I had DCIS in one breast and IDC in the other.  The IDC was found on MRI and was small 3 mm with 6 mm DCIS.  The DCIS in right breast was hard to measure as it was somewhat scattered but was able to have two lumpectomy ops and I am small breasted, radiation to both breasts and started on anastrazole because both breast cancers were estrogen and progesterone positive.  This article explains about the advantages of either tamoxifen if pre menopausal or AI’s is menopausal in regards to recurrence in the breast with DCIS or the contra lateral breast.  
    Take care and surgery was not really difficult for me but everyone is different so just take it a day at a time.  


  • I forgot the link.  Here it is.



  • Here is the link.  Please forgive me as I have sent to soles but good information anyway.

