After affect of treatment for Breast Cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 264 subscribers

I finished treatment in January for stage 1 Triple Negative Breast cancer and was discharged in April. On the whole I’ve been feeling good until last week, I had to pee alot and things just felt wrong  

Ive been to the doctors and they suspect prolapse, of some sort, which I think it is too. I read this is common after treatment for breast cancer but I am so worried that cancer has returned. Would a prolapse happen due to spread of cancer (I have no other symptoms) I was all clear in April, so that pretty fast! or is it an after effect of the chemo drugs etc? I’ve got a 2 week wait for an appointment and my head is about to explode. 

Any help appreciated  


  • Hi I had urinary problems during and following chemo. I lost the contents of my bladder when out on the street. I was referred to urology and then to gynaecologist for a prolapse. I now have medication from urology to help,  gynaecologist recommended three sessions of 15 minutes each of pelvic floor exercises !! He also said he could do a repair job but because of my weight did not think it would be that successful . I was given oestrogen cream for the vagina but I'm a bit wary of using this so don't .(I had a prolapse years ago following the birth of my son, this was repaired and I assumed that the prolapse was related to this but????)  

    3 years on  still have to be careful but no accidents for a couple of years. I wear washable knickers for light bladder incontinence more for reassurance than need. I haven't had a prolapse repair but may get it done later. I now do 15 minutes of kegel exercises exercises ever morning, using an emy trainer..



  • Hi,

    Sorry, no experience of your situation. But, I did get an urgent 2-week referral for a suspicious cervical polyp after a routine smear test - and obviously my mind went into overdrive, and I thought it must be connected to the breast cancer. But, it wasn't. After removal and testing, it turned out to be benign and just a coincidence. But, can appreciate why we all worry after being through what we have. Hope you get your answers soon.

  • Hello Summer77,  oh prolapse of the female organs is a real issue for so many women.  I had it but not related to chemotherapy.  Mine was due to having a large baby that started the whole thing but did improve for many years but when my estrogen level dropped in my 60’s it got worse.  Also I was doing weight training with fairly heavy weights and when I did a leg press I felt a popping sensation and when I got home I could feel a bulge.  I did conservative treatments for years like kegals, biofeedback , vaginal estrogen etc but after awhile I went to see a urogunecologist who specializes in prolapse and I did not just have a bladder prolapse there was also a rectocele and my pelvic floor.  I did have surgery when I was 55 and had a sacrospinous ligament fixation etc etc and still doing well at 75.  I was very worried about being In Anastrazole because of it depleting my estrogen but so far so good.  I would like to start on vaginal estrogen but my medical oncologist is resistant.  My urogynecologist said it was important to keep tissues there switch estrogen.  I am going to ask again at next appointment.

    I hope that I didn’t bore you with all this information but I do understand your concerns and hope you feel better.  Also tried a Pessary but it fell out on my way walking to the car.  I just sat there and cried as I was at my wits end.  I didn’t want to have sex as I had this bulging .  It really affects you physically and mentally.

    Take care and hope you will feel better soon.


  • Hi Summer,

    Sorry to hear you are going through this. 

    This may seem like a silly question but have you spoken to your breast cancer nurse? x