Anastrozole - Amarox Brand

  • 2 replies
  • 263 subscribers

Hi all,

Just a reminder that you can ask to try different brands of anastrozole. I've had Accord and Teva so far without any problems.

But then I was given Amarox, and straight away became very emotional and put on weight/become very bloated.

Back on Accord, and all back to normal now!

  • Hi Louise42 welcome to the forum. This situation  is becoming a long standing issue for us all with different brands  and there are several threads discussing these. It s not fair that we are subjected to this random supply but as you say people can ask for different brands. I hadnt heard of the one you refer to so thank you for sharing this with us all.   


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  • I am okay on Amarox , I have the brand on my prescription. I tried KEY , was horrendous., shows that we are all different!