Inavolisib Trial

  • 2 replies
  • 265 subscribers

Hello to you all, my partners in for no crime committedWink

I’ve been on THP regime since the end of May and with two more infusions left, I’ve been offered to participate in the Inavolisib trial (UK) along side my Phesgo, once my chemo is done.

Are any of you familiar with the drug?

Thank you kindly

kate x 

  • Hi Ks78 welcome to the forum.. I'm wondering if you might want to post this into the Ask a Nurse section of the site as they may be better able to tell you more about this trial and how or if it may interact with the Phesgo. 

    I have included below a link that you need only click onto and it will take you straight to the Ask a Nurse thread,

    ask a nurse


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  • Hi Gail,

    Many tanks for your comment and the link. 

    My query has been posted on there too and one of the nurses is looking further into my question for me Fingers crossed tone1

    I’ve been assured that offered me drug won’t affect Phesgo at all and it works very well with it.

    Thank you again,
