Triple negative- newbie

  • 6 replies
  • 284 subscribers

Hello new friends Heart️ 

I’m a little out of sorts following my diagnosis yesterday, I’m awaiting an MRI & CT scan to find out more information. All I know is that it’s triple negative, I was told by my nurse not to google it, but I was awake at 3am and did. Does it mean I’ve got less of a chance of surviving? My two children, 12 & 14 are my world and I really want to be around. My chemo starts in 6 weeks. I’m a teacher and I can’t think about work, can I just get signed off? 

please be kind, I know you will be as I’ve read your comments Heart

  • Hi Autumn lover,

    So sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, it's such a shock when it happens to you as no one ever expects it. I was diagnosed triple negative breast cancer in the summer of 2021 so I can relate to how you're feeling and I know the trap of looking things up on Google (even if everyone says not to) and feeling like you've just been handed a death sentence. So much of what you find on Google is out of date so try to stay away from it as much as possible. Triple negative is often aggressive and there are fewer treatment types available, so typically doctors offer stronger treatments to try to get rid of every last cell which is why most tnbc patients are offered intensive chemo.

    In my experience, the beginning part just after diagnosis was the worst because everything was so uncertain and confusing and it was a rollercoaster of emotions attending lots of appointments, scans, having operations (for me at least) and entering a territory of the unknown. I could convince myself that every pain and twitch was cancer spreading in my body too!

    I found that once I started chemo things got easier as life was less chaotic, I had a more set routine and I was taking action to protect myself. While chemo isn't amazing, it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be and it was very doable. Now, three years later, I have check-ups and blood tests every 6 months and so far, all is perfectly well and I remain cancer free.

    I can't help you re your question about work because I live in France, but I'm sure someone else will have experience of that.

    I hope this gives you a little bit of hope. Remember to go easy on yourself and try take each day as it comes x

  • Hi 

    I’m so sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with TNBC it’s so scary, but the treatments are so much better now . I was diagnosed in March 23 I had lumpectomy , chemo and Radio I now have the 3monthly Zoledronic acid infusions . Some patients have Immuno therapy as well as chemo, depending on how large the tumour is . I know it’s terrifying I thought I was going to be dead within months of diagnosis because I googled!!! I was told that a lot of the data is old and not to believe it .Anyway here Iam all done I won’t pretend it’s easy cos it isn’t but it’s all doable and you will do it . Sending you lots of love for your journey ahead xx

  • Hi  I was diagnosed with TNBC in December 23. It was an awful time as I know don’t google is easier said than done, I’ve been there.  All types of thoughts go through your head, not nice thoughts but I think they are just natural.  Just focus on getting your scans done and I think once you find out your treatment plan it helps. Mine was chemo and immunotherapy first, I then had surgery (lumpectomy) and next will be radiotherapy. 
    I work in a school (Headteachers PA not a teacher) I worked up until I started chemo but that was purely for financial reasons as I knew I would be off for a while whilst having chemo with being immunosuppressed. You have to do what you feel is right for you and if you speak to your GP they will do you a sick note, mine did me them to cover 3 months at a time. Take care xx

  • Hi Autumn_lover

    Welcome to the forum and I'm sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer.  I was diagnosed with triple negative almost four years ago and after having chemo, surgery and radiotherapy I make a full recovery.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment.

    Best wishes


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  • Hello Autumn_lover

    I am recently diagnosed too but with a different type of bc to yours.

    I've been trying to work during the last three weeks since my diagnosis but it was starting to make me really anxious, especially when I had little sleep. I rang my GP and she's signed me off from next Monday, which will take a huge burden off my shoulders. I'm not due surgery for 3 weeks but not having to worry about work has already lifted my mood.

    Goggling is possibly the worst thing you can do at the moment but if you have a compulsive urge to look, please stick to sites such as this one or Breast Cancer Now.

    I totally understand your fear and apprehension. It's perfectly natural given the circumstances, but also so difficult to control. Remember that lots of ladies have beaten this, and you will too.

    Wishing you all the best for your upcoming treatments and surgery. You are not alone.

    Big hugs


  • Hi I was diagnosed with stage 3 triple negative in January, I have just finished chemo and waiting for a masectomy. I panicked when I first found out and went to Google which was a choice I regret and made me feel worse. After talking to others in the same situation, I know it's not as bad as I thought. Once you have a plan and start your treatment, you will settle into a new routine. It's not easy but its bearable and better than the alternative.  I too work in a school but I was advised not to go to work once I started chemo because of picking up bugs off the children. If you need to focus on yourself now, ask your GP to sign you off. I was told by my oncologist to be prepared to devote the next year of my  life to myself. Once your sick pay runs out you may be entitled to benefits. Macmillain were great helping me out with this. Give yourself time to take in your diagnosis as it's a shock at first. Always here if you need to chat and take care xx