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  • 267 subscribers

Hiya everyone I was just wondering if anyone else is suffering from lymphadema 

I went to see my dr about pain my hand and arm my left hand is very puffy 

I hoping someone can help me on this matter 

also Im Waiting to see the nurses at the clinic 

im in pain and I want it sorted 


  • Hi Lis50

    i had vulva cancer and had to have some lymph nodes removed which caused lymphoedema. I was receiving reflexology from a cancer charity at the time when I developed lymphoedema,I had a lump in my groin the size of a golf ball. They advised me that there is a special massage for this but they did not offer it.  They kindly found out from other clients a lady that did this and was recommended. I went to see her and had a massage and every day at least 2 times a day I gentlely massaged the area and i am pleased to say it’s gone completely and my consultant was amazed and pleased when I saw him at my check up. It wasn’t very expensive about £30 but was worth every penny as it was very uncomfortable. Try speaking to your macmillan nurse who might have more information as to who does this special massage.  Hope this helps.

  • thankyou very much for this info i tryed getting in touch with my specialist nurse but haven’t heard from today but will try again tomorrow x 

  • Ask the nurse on this site and they will try to find out for you. They know where Togo to find this information. Good luck! 

  • Hi  , I have lympheodema in my breast, it’s a lesser known possible side effect of radiotherapy. I was referred to my local lymphoedema service by the oncologist. The lympheodema nurse was really helpful and all her recommendations were very worthwhile as I was able to improve so much by my follow up appointment that I could be discharged. Well worth asking for a referral. Love and hugs, HFxx 

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hello there, I have Lymphedema in my right arm and hand. I receive a lymphatic massage every 2 weeks and in between my partner does it every other day.  I contacted The Lymphedema Clinic who sorted me out with compression garments and also gave me a list of local therapists that do the Lymphedema massage. The relief is fabulous and worth doing. The cost is £45 for an hour, take your partner along to watch so they can help at home. Hope this helps.