Query re recurrence

  • 7 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Has anyone experienced a recurrence in the mastectomy site please and can you tell me what happened? Thanks Pray 

  • Hi, I’ve seen that you’ve not had any replies yet. I wonder if you follow Liz O’Riordan (the breast surgeon who got breast cancer). She is currently on a treatment plan for a recurrence on the skin of the mastectomy site. She posts videos on YouTube, and has an X (Twitter) account. Xx

  • Hi  , one of the lovely ladies here has recently had treatment for a recurrence after mastectomy. Hope you don’t mind  , you’re always so helpful. Love and hugs, HFxx

    Also,  records her treatments on another thread - ‘I guess I’m the patient now’ - in the General Discussions section. Worth a look too. 
    Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Sorry, the thread I mentioned is actually called ‘It seems I’m the patient now’…. Xx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi,  , I see I got tagged by the lovely  , as yes, I’m being treated for a recurrence at present. Long answer coming….

    i originally had a mx with implant as I really didn’t want to go flat, plus just 5 years of hormone busting therapy, 3 on Letrozole and the last 2 on tamoxifen as I was supposedly low risk and already had mild osteoporosis. 

    I finished that in early 2023, but very early this year felt an extra slight lump on the edge of my scar, plus after some tricky lifting of some of my late hubs’ woodwork equipment I’d sent to auction I felt some deep aches as well. GP referred me on the 2 week rule, got seen and scanned and referred as they said there and then, they didn’t like the look of it. 

    Had another mastectomy on May 7th after numerous CT, MRI and nuclear bone scans revealed what they thought was just recurrence behind the implant. Turns out one lymph node out of 5 was positive too. So the choice was to have a standard 3 weeks of radiotherapy, that finished on July 29th. I’ve since seen an Onco and signed up for Abemaciclib, Zolendronic infusions and Exemestane as they are thinking the tamoxifen possibly failed. 

    Sadly I’ve been on the site rather a long time, (hence my thread title!) as daughter got diagnosed with a blood cancer which proved very obstinate, then after my first mx my hubs had a rapidly spreading poorly differentiated kidney cancer and died in October 2021, then son got diagnosed with another blood cancer too, which is normally treated as a chronic illness! Then I got the recurrence! 

    Hope you didn’t mind the long answer and hope yours is straightforward…..

    hugs xxx


  • Oh my goodness what a time you've had. You and your family. I really do appreciate the answer / response, so much detail. Revolving heartsI'll let you know how I get on too. . Appointment is next week. Thank you everyone xx

  • Will hope for good news for you, do let us know how you get on

    hugs xxx
