Single Mastectomy Feelings

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  • 262 subscribers

I had a single mastectomy just under 2 weeks ago, and to my surprise when I look down at my chest, I am not horrified at what I see and surprisingly like the flat side and wish the other breast (although healthy) could be removed.  I am not at all interested in reconstruction as the whole flap procedure sounds aweful and like I said I don’t miss my breast!  Has anyone else had these feeling?  People seem horrified that I feel this way which make me feel like I’m weird not acting like everyone assumes you should after a mastectomy. I am still me, girly and genuine and not defined by having breasts.  I am 47, have 3 grown up children and am single. I am worried I may never meet anyone but am certainly not having a reconstruction for what may be.  I don’t want to be left like this and am so worried about the future as initial discussions with my consultant said they won’t consider this.  It’s all I can think about, despite waiting for treatment after biopsy results in a few weeks. Please tell me I’m not alone in my thinking

  • Hi Kimbers77, thank you so much for this post. I'm sorry to hear that you find yourself in this place but I welcome you to the forum.

    In April, I had a left side mastectomy and right side lumpectomy. Whilst I don't feel exactly as you do, Some of what you say resonates with me. I have experienced some grief around the changes in my body but I have been surprised at how I've adapted. 

    I have requested a right side mastectomy, as opposed to the suggested radiotherapy. This has not been automatically agreed but I have an appointment to discuss further. 

    Regarding dating, at 58, I was in a new relationship of 6mths when I received my diagnosis.  We are still happily together and are navigating this strange new world. It is not without challenge! 

    As for your situation,  it is early days. You may find that your emotions shift and change, as time goes on. Whatever you feel is perfectly fine, whether or not others understand or agree. This process is so personal, we all come to it with our established body image and sense of self. Breasts have different meaning for each of us. And we're also dealing with cancer!

    I wish you well with your ongoing healing and treatment.

    I have found this space so supportive, there is a wealth of generosity, caring and experience here. 

    Take really good care, Shaka