Zoledronic acid infusion before surgery

  • 10 replies
  • 263 subscribers

Hi, I am due my first zoledronic acid infusion tomorrow, but not having my surgery until October. Everything I've read says that these infusions start after surgery. Has anyone else started these infusions before their surgery?

  • Hi, I'm not sure about others, but my first zoledronic acid was after my surgery. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Yes, my first infusion was also post surgery. However I had a second mastectomy for symmetry about 15 months after my first infusion.

  • How did it go today ?

    I had my first infusion after I'd had surgery and chemo but before radiotherapy.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi, thank you all for your reply. All went well today and so far feeling fine. I did mention while I was there, that most people seem to have zoledronic acid post surgery. They assured me it was fine to have before my surgery and depends what regime you are on. Xx

  • I was supposed to have it with my last chemo which was before surgery. But…the dentist refused to sign the form and I was referred to dental hospital for teeth to be removed. 

  • Thanks for your reply. I didn't need to have a form signed. They accepted a verbal response from me, that my dentist was happy for me to go ahead. Hope you are doing OK. Where are you now on your treatment?

  • Sorry just seen this. I finished chemo end of June. Had lumpectomy start of August. Saw the radiologist yesterday with a timeline for starting radiography (about 4/5 weeks). I’m having 15 sessions and then possibly 4 tumour bed booster sessions. 

  • Hi WhatNext, great that you have now finished your chemo and had your surgery. Not long now until you'll be able to tick off radiotherapy to. Did you manage to have your zoledronic acid infusion yet or are you still waiting?

  • Still waiting as I need some teeth taking out so waiting for a date for that. It’s frustrating. 

  • Hi WhatsNext, I know that the waiting must be a bit frustrating. However, better to get any work done before infusions. Apparently you can't have extractions once on zoledronic acid, as it affects the jaw healing. Hope everything gets sorted for you soon. Xx