Abemaciclib, Anastrozole and zoledex side effects

  • 5 replies
  • 268 subscribers


so I am on my third cycle of these drugs. The abemaciclib was lowered to 100mg twice a day from cycle 2 and I’m coping a lot better. 
however I have started having to wee through the night a lot, like waking hourly some nights. I told them at my review and was told that’s not a side effect and to get a urine dip at GP. I did that yesterday and waiting results, but I still feel it’s something to do with the tablets, maybe the hormone ones, has anyone else had this issue. It’s wearing me out as I’m not sleeping properly. 

Also my right shoulder and breast (this is one that had cancer, I had lumpectomy and lymph node removal last October) is so sore and painful. I finished chemo in April and radio in May, should it still be so painful? 

I guess I’m just looking for people in similar positions. Thanks. 

  • Hi, I am sorry I don't have the experience to help you myself, but I just noticed your post hasn't had any responses yet, as the site is quite busy.  My answer will bump you back to the top and I hope someone with the right experience will be along soon.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi Jmamp

    I've been on Abemaciclib for a couple of weeks and Letrozole for a month. I’m not having the through night weeing issue but in the last week I have the same sore and tender ribs and breast on my effected side. I was thinking it was a late effect of radiation but maybe not.

    im seeing my Oncologist in Thursday so was going to ask, I’ll let you know what I find out

  • I am going to be on abemaciclib after I finish radio therapy. I had mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection in January. My arms shoulder blade and chest area of the surgery is slightly better as I have a lot of support at home at the moment. But they used to be quite painful before I had support. I was advised by the breast care nurse to continue the post mastectomy exercises and take it easy.

  • Thanks. I’m wondering if it’s the hormone medication relating to urine, but the last two nights have been better so maybe from an infection will wait to hear from urine sample Monday. 
    I also thought my arm is from radio effects but going to speak with oncologist at next review. 
    Hope you go ok 

  • Thanks for replying. I’m going to speak with oncologist at next review as should/breast area is sore and my treatment finished In May for that area. I’m sure it’s probably from the lymph node removal operation so will Continue with exercises too. 
    I hope you are ok