Prostrap injections effects

  • 1 reply
  • 280 subscribers


I had 3 rounds of prostrap injections because of low white blood cells. This was September 2023.

Also a year on and the right side of my stomach is still sore.

Since having a mastectomy in November 2021, I tend to get tight stomach cramps across my stomach, if I lean forward too far or in a uncomfortable position. During my chemotherapy, I had to have injections in my stomach, again because of low white blood cells (I have Lupus)

Could it be that because of all these stomach interferences over the last 3yrs are now the reason that I have these lasting cramp knots and pains in my stomach, particularly on the right side?

Looking down at my stomach, this side also seems to protrude out further and fatter.

There's no mention of fluid or anything like that from my surgeon.  He just said its because of the mastectomy, your stomach will look bigger than the other side. I'm not so sure or convinced Thinking 

Has anyone else had this injection spree and left with similar symptoms?

Thanks in advance. Slight smile

  • Hi ThirdParty75

    While I don't have an answer for you I noticed that you haven't had any replies yet so I thought I'd reply to you to move you to the top of the discussion.  Hopefully someone will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Best wishes


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