Pain in arm ? Radiotherapy

  • 1 reply
  • 265 subscribers

Good morning

 just wondering if anyone had experienced pain in their arm during/after radiotherapy? And if they have what might of helped? 

I started radiotherapy Tuesday - so o lay had 4 sessions and still have 11 to go Disappointed relieved I’ve been awake since 2:30 with a terrible pain in my shoulder and bicep- it doesn’t feel like nerve pain more heavy ache but hurts more than a ache ( if that makes sense) im putting it down to radio but maybe its not. Anyone else feeling like treatment is never ending? 

  • Hi Whynot welcome to the forum.            It could indeed be as a result of the way that your arm is positioned during the Radiotherapy.                                            You should be able to take low level pain relief like Paracetamol which might take the edge off. I think it's worth chatting to the radiotherapy team when you are next in to see if they can offer any advice for you. X


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