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Wonder if someone else on here has this my mum had a 5.1cm tumour also on the Breast skin cancer trying to come out in her right breast had a mastectomy about two weeks ago surgeon was confident that he had removed all the cancer also removed 19 lymph nodes this week she’s been to see her oncologist team who want to do a bone scan as have said a tumour this size may have spread to her bones before treatment can begin I’m extremely worried but my mum is a very strong woman who just says it is what it is it’s me who is worried about her 

  • Hi there, of course you're worried, that's very natural.  I was terrified when I was told I had to have a scan to check for spread, but it was then explained to me that this is routine, so it sounds similar for your mum.

    Macmillan has lots of support for friends and family as well as those diagnosed. I thought you might find this link useful. Friends and family information link.  Best wishes 

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