Is this the norm

  • 4 replies
  • 265 subscribers

I’m currently going for my second round of chemo, 8 planned before the next bit is put in place, is it normal to have chemo before possibly surgery 

  • Hiya ,it does vary according to the type of cancer.I had chemo first ,then surgery and now on day 14 of 15 sessions of radiotherapy . I think with mine they wanted to make sure there was no further spread and to reduce the tumour before surgery 

  • Hi

    I've had 8 rounds of chemo (4 of Docetaxel and 4 of EC) before surgery. Was told it was normal procedure for my type of cancer -Her2 positive i.e. shrink the tumour so less to remove in surgery.

    All good so far x

  • I’ve had chemo first, had surgery on Tuesday just gone and eventually radiotherapy. I’ve got triple negative breast cancer so they try and shrink the tumour first before removing. 

  • Hello! I had chemo first as well because I had a HER2+ tumour. When it was suggested, I was also confused because I've never heard of having chemo first. They do it (in some cases) to kill most cancer cells as possible before surgery, and to avoid them from spreading during surgery. I had 6 rounds of TCHP, and luckily it worked well. My tumours were gone and the after-surgery biopsy was clean, meaning the chemo got rid of the cancer. Best of luck!