Mastectomy aftercare

  • 1 reply
  • 266 subscribers

Hi everyone. I am having a mastectomy with A reconstruction (implant)  in a couple of weeks. I live alone so will stay in hospital overnight. My sister is meant to be going on holiday but says she won’t as she thinks I can’t be on my own for 4days - she has two children and needs to go away. Realistically,

why can’t I be on my own ? I can have friends who can pop in etc. 

  • Hi Cancerbeglam

    I haven't had my mascetomy yet. The advice is probably to have someone there as it's a major op but you could cover it with friends popping in, I would have thought. It might be more beneficial for you not to feel bad about your sister missing her holiday. 

    Have you asked a Macmillian nurse from the forum? 

    There might be issues with washing but there are wet wipes and you could get food in and meals prepared. I would be interested in what replies you get from more experienced bc post surgery women because although my son lives me, I won't be asking him to do much beyond walking the dog....

    How are you feeling about the op? 
