Double masecotomy & reconstruction

  • 2 replies
  • 264 subscribers

Good evening, first post here and hoping for some advice! 

im 28, just had a double mastectomy and implant reconstruction on Monday. Brca1 carrier, so this was preventative surgery. I'm informed it all went well, however  I have 2 very odd boobs. I'm aware it's early days but has anyone else had this? Did it settle? One side is full Dolly Parton vibe and feels more 'normal' just swollen. It's also hardly draining anything  off, the other looks smaller and dimpled and puckering, is more painful and is draining more (100ml first day, 75ml today) 

I'm aware it's to early days to judge but can't help feeling a bit upset/ worried just by how different  they are. Did anyone else experiance this? Many thanks! 

  • Hi MrsA2024

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you needed breast surgery because you carry the Brca1 gene.  While I don't have the experience you are looking for I noticed that you haven't had any answers yet so I thought I'd reply to you to welcome you to the community and to move you to the top of the discussion.  Hopefully someone will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi there, I had a double mastectomy a month ago and I felt similar to you: both boobs looked very different. They are looking way better now, but I do think it's still too early to tell. They can take up to 1 year to finally settle. I would recommend asking your doctor so you feel reassured, but I do think we have to wait a bit longer. I also know that they can do adjustments in the future if you're not happy with the results. Best of luck!