Results next week but told it’s cancer

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I never imagined I’d be posting in this forum as I’ve fundraiser for Macmillan due to my parents both having cancer (dad sadly passed away in April ) 

Ive been so busy looking after dad I stupidly missed my screening mammogram in October and then have been struggling to come to terms with dad’s death . To top it all I’ve had done cardiac issues and was diagnosed with left ventricular hypertropy and an ascending aortic aneurysm in May 
At the beginning if July I noticed my left breast was tender and out it down to changing my hrt , but a couple of days later the tenderness got worse and when I looked in the mirror I could see my breast was bigger and firmer looking . I saw the gp same day who said she thought she could feel a lump too and said she thought it as breast cancer . 

I had my referral appointment 16 days later on 23rd July and had two mammograms , one a close up of my nipple area then through to the consultant radiographer for ultrasound . 
She said she couldn’t see a lump but I had two areas of calcifications which were highly suspicious and that my axillary node was swollen . I had three biopsies and in to see the breast surgeon . The room was full including the breast nurse so I knew it wasn’t good news . She said straight away it was cancer and I was a wreck , crying like a baby.

I spent an hour with the breast nurse who was lovely and reassuring and went home to wait my results . 
my appointment came through for 12th August which is 3 weeks from biopsy date so the waiting has been torture . My youngest daughter is only 14 and I’m dreading telling her.

I go from feeling optimistic to feeling there is no hope . 
Im terrified at the thought of chemo etc due to my heart.

The not knowing how bad it is or what treatment I’ll get .. is the worst at the moment but the consultant indicated I’m probably looking at mastectomy. 

I had so many plans for the next few months and had booked to take my daughter to a concert so mum guilt us already kicking in . I’m worried how she’ll cope going into year 10 .. so much going round in my head . 
I always thought I might get cancer with two parents with it .. but bizarrely I never worried about breast cancer , never checked my breasts properly and my mind is in overdrive wondering if it’s spread and it’s two late for me .

Every twinge is freaking me out , I’ve got sore ribs and I’ve convinced myself it’s spread to my bones .. it’s all feeling like a nightmare right now 

  • Hi Bad_Boob

    Welcome the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  The wait for until you find out your treatment plan is hard but once you know the plan things should be clearer.  When deciding on what kind of treatment they will give you they will take your heart problems into account.  You will probably have a few scans before you start treatment so that they have the full picture of your type of breast cancer.

    I've been diagnosed twice with breast cancer and after having treatment which included surgery, chemo and radiotherapy I've come out of the other side of it without too much trouble.

    Wishing you the best of luck with whatever treatment your medical team puts you on.

    Best wishes


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  • I’m so glad to hear you e come out the other side , I can’t believe you’ve had to face this twice though Weary

    The breast nurse called this evening . My appointment had been brought forward to tomorrow morning .. I’m absolutely terrified . 
    she asked me to make sure I wasn’t alone . 
    Tomorrow I’ll find out what cancer it is .. it’s terrifying . I said to her I’m going away for my birthday in 2.5 weeks and she don’t worry they’ll let you do that , nothing treatment wise is likely to happen before then . I hope she’s right . 
    Told my younger get children tonight . My 14 year old daughter cried her eyes out 

  • Awwwww that must have been really tough.

    i hope you get some answers tomorrow. You will likely feel less terrified once you know a bit of a plan 

    let us know Fingers crossedHeartpulse

  • Well I’ll know what type I’m dealing with - at the same time I’m terrified of knowing because tomorrow it’s all going to be very real  

  • Good luck . Thinking of you 

  • I’ve just read through this thread - I got diagnosed on Monday and it’s in 3 nodes as well. I’ve to go for a CT scan on Friday and results of that next Thursday. I am terrified. The very best of luck today, I will be thinking of you. Please let us know how you get on xxx

  • I’m so sorry you are facing this too Pensive what was your diagnosis ? 
    Im learning quickly that scan anxiety is definitely a thing ! 
    What I’ve picked up is that ct scans etc is the norm and it doesn’t mean they will see anything else but I know that doesn’t make it any easier x 

  • Thank you, yes I am really hoping they are just ‘dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s’ They were so positive about it and said I would be well looked after. I was a bit hysterical when they mentioned the 3 nodes being positive but he was like, ‘we’re not talking about death here, you will be fine’ so that made me feel better! Mine is hormone receptive and the HER2 test thing was inconclusive so they’re doing that again. I think that just helps them plan treatment? Mine is ductal and is the same as 80% of the breast cancers so lots of variations of treatment they can try. I’m so grateful for our NHS. I only went to the doctor with my lump 2 weeks ago! I haven’t read any of the stuff they gave me - I gave it to my husband and told him to hide it till I had processed everything so I’m going to brave that today. The waiting for stuff is horrendous, I hate being out of control, I just want to know so I can deal. I haven’t told my kids yet (daughter 22 and son 18) but going to do that this weekend. I’m dreading it. My Dad is 92 and I haven’t told him either but I’m going to sugar coat it a bit for him and be very positive x

  • Telling my children was hard , but easier than I expected so try not to worry x I have t told my two grown up sons yet until I know a plan . 

    Im an ex nurse so I will say that a good check over is par the course but it doesn’t mean they think its spread x I’ll try and tell myself this when they book in mine ! 
    Everyone says the waiting is worse and I agree , Once we have the full picture and start treatment I’m hoping it will feel a bit better x