Left Mastectomy

  • 14 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Morning all,

I have just had my letter to confirm surgery a week today and as you can imagine it is all feeling very real and scary now.

Just wondering what to expect....my surgeon said I can get home the same evening? Is there anything I should be packing/buying to help with recovery?

Thanks so much Pray 

J x

  • Hi J,

    Really surprised to read that you have been told you'l be able to come home the same evening. I also had a left mastectomy but I am receiving all treatment / surgery in Japan and I was hospitalised for two weeks...I'm sure if I were in the UK it would be one day t(or less) though.

     I myself did have a rough time with recovery but I hope that you have a better and quicker experience. I'd say don't rush recovery or try to make any plans for at least a month after. 

    It terms of what to buy, there are special bra's that open at the front (I got mine from ASDA) and of thick pillows. 

    Please don't worry, you will be absolutely fine x

  • Hi Pichan,

    Thank you for your reply. Sorry to hear you had a rough time with recovery. I wonder if I should get myself a V shaped pillow for my bed to be more upright in bed?

    J x

  • I would, it helped me getting out of bed and also found it easier have a big pillow behind my back when I sat on the sofa. x

  • Hello

    I had a left mastectomy in February as a day case .It was fine .

    I went in at 11 ,op at 2 back on the ward for about 4ish ,had tea and toast ,no pain ,home at 7 .I had a drain in  but it wasnt painful just had to be aware of it .They give you a bag to carry it in .You need to sleep on your back  really  for a while .

    Its good if someone else does the cooking for a while ,and housework .I was very lucky my husband did everything .

    I bought pyjamas and tops that opened  competely down the front  to make dressing and undressing easier ..District nurse came to empty the drain  but you can do it yourself daily so you dont need to wait in .

    Do the exercises  and read your advice leaflets for dos and donts .

    I had only paracetamol and was fine with that .The area felt numb for a few weeks but feeling has mostly come back You see a physio soon to be able to stretch your arm up especially if going to have radiotherapy..My physio was very good  about 4 sessions weekly .

    It was a much better experience than i thought it would be and I am 79 .You will be tired at first but you will soon improve .I got 2 bras from M and S and I have bought a Boost prosthesis as well as the NHS one which can feel heavy. .You get used to what suits you its trial and error at first .Other people who had the op gave me advice its all helpful .

    Good luck .

  • I forgot to mention, I had a tissue expander put in. 

  • Hi Perrin,

    Thanks for your reply. Sounds like you had a good experience Blush I've bought a few pyjama tops that button down the front and like you, my husband is amazing with housework etc and we have 3 children that'll keep him busy. Fingers crossed mine goes as smoothly as yours.

    Take care 

    J x

  • Morning

    All you will need is a dressing gown and a pair of slippers. In my case the surgeon drew lines on breast where he would make incisions (I didn't go for reconstruction) and anaesthetist will talk to you, asking questions as well. When I went down for my surgery everyone was kind and reassuring. When I woke up I was not in pain, had a drainage bottle in situ (given instructions what to do, etc). After a cup of tea and biscuits (hadn't eaten for hours) I was sent home. I took paracetamol and ibuprofen for any pain and exercises to start the following day. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck x

  • Hi Snozzle

    Thanks for your reply. Glad to hear you had a positive experience too. Counting down now until mine. It's just all very daunting but we'll get there. 

    • J x
  • Good morning to you,  I can’t advise as had lumpectomy but sending you lots of prayers and hugs.  I understand your fear too but there are so many beautiful women on this site that will help you get through this surgery.  


  • Hi j. 

    I had a left side mastectomy with implant on 12th July, I was also told I'd get home same day. Ummm no that did not go to plan. I had to stay over night, the paracetamol was not helping with pain, so of your sore. Def ask for something stronger. I also was really nauseous. So if you feel sick then ask for anti sickness meds to go home with too, it will save an extra trip back to GP or hospital. 

    I'd also suggest getting front zip opening bras, primark do some that are specifically for breast surgery  so fully adjustable back and straps with soft zip covers. Wear it to hospital as once surgery is done they will zip you back up in it. 

    Take any help offered from friends or family, and sleep or nap when you can once home, 

    Small cushion for car journey home, and for tucking under your arm. I'd also suggest a soft squishy cover for seatbelts if once your upto going out n about. It helps. 

    Lastly the boredom of not doing much for a few weeks will drive you crazy if your usually a busy bee like me, so plenty books, box sets, or any little hobbies you can do from the sofa. Knitting, colour books, games on the tablet etc. 

    If you want to ask any questions about my surgery feel free 

    Lex x