Recent Masectomy

  • 2 replies
  • 271 subscribers

Hello, I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of May. My CY scan was clear other than my left breast. I had a left breast mastectomy 3 weeks ago and I’m recovering well. At the start of treatment my doctor said my CT scan was clear and to await the results of the mastectomy. But he was going for cure. 
i had my follow up last week and was told they found 3 different types of cancer in my breast and some was found in lymph nodes. I’m due to go back in to hospital next week for lymph node removal. He says I will need chemotherapy, radio,hormonal treatment and immunotherapy. The news hit hard being 41. But I need to remain positive. I lost my mum suddenly this week too so I’m feeling so low Pensive

Has anyone else had all 4 treatments all one after another? Thankyou 

  • So sorry to read your post. That is so much to mentally process. 

    I am triple positive with two nodes impacted (hopefully no more but have to wait til surgery), currently on chemo and phesgo targeted therapies with surgery booked 6th sept for mastectomy and full lymph clearance. After that potentially radiation and more chemo with hormone therapy to follow.

    i am trying to take it a day, sometimes hour at a time as I’m also only 41. 

    I’ve found the treatment side effects have a pattern and after the first one it got easier cos both I and my body knew what to expect. 

    The EC was tough from a nausea point of view but my oncologist changed my anti sickness for round two and it got easier. Drink water, flush your system as much as you can. 

    with the Docetaxial I have it on a Tues and I’m fine apart from the horrid mouth til Friday and then have a bit of a crash where it feels like I’m coming down with flu. By day 8 I start feeling better, just really tired. I find proactively managing tiredness is hard but works better. A little nap every afternoon keeps me at a level. I had my husbands 40th and I was determined to be there for all his celebrations but the crash was real for about 3 days afterwards! 

    My tips gaviscon, the heart burn sucks.

    sugar free sweets - the chemo mouth is gross

    a good skin oil for your face, hands and scalp. I recommend moo goo and Jennifer young. Massage and good skin care will help with any rash type side effects or numbness. 

    Ive just started using cold gloves and socks during infusion to manage pins and needles and that seems to be helping Pray tone1

    Wishing you a ton of love and strength for your treatment. It’s a head f?ck being so young and facing this twat of a disease. Xx

  • Hi, I p'm sorry to hear of the loss of your mum and I am sure you must be super disappointed to have had the further diagnosis, I can't imagine how hard this all is for you right now and I hope you have a strong support network to lean on.

    In terms of treatment, I had chemo, surgery, radiotherapy and herceptin, and am on letrozole tablets, so similar to yourself though not exactly the same. I worked throughout my chemo and managed very well. Yes there are side effects, but these were manageable with many good days and a few tougher ones.   The other treatments were much easier with few side effects.

    I did want to also mention that the lovely folks here at Macmillan offer a great support line, which might be useful if you're feeling low. The number is 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

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