What happens if they don’t get clear margins on re excision ??

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  • 266 subscribers

Had a lumpectomy 2 weeks ago. One superior margin wasn’t clear so he had to go back in last week. Now waiting to hear if that’s clear. The waiting is driving me nuts as I just don’t know what to expect next  

also waiting on oncotype 

just wish I could work out what the next possibilities are.

wondering if anyone can advise? If no clear margins on re excision is it a mastectomy or more re excisions??

I have lobular so the problem is it’s darn hard to spot. 

also terrified of the chemo. Originally it wasn’t part of the plan but with one positive node , subject to my oncotype score suddenly it is. I’m very split- I seriously am frighted of chemo (weirdly more than the operations I think) but on the other hand I understand if it reduced my chances of recurrence then of course you just suck it up. Anyway rambling.

its the waiting and not knowing what I’m facing I’m finding soooooo hard. 

  • Hi c22 and breathe! One day at a time is the best way to survive the waiting. If they do not get clear margins on the reexcision then they will most likely have a chat about the best steps. If they have clear margins then there will be no need for a mastectomy but you may notice changes in the size of each breast simply because of the tissue that has been taken away. Chemo is not always used in Lobular Breast  Cancer and Radiotherapy is often the treatment of choice. If they don't get clear margins on the reexcision then they may discuss with you if a mastectomy might be the best option but at this moment in time it is speculative and may not materialise so take one day at a time and don't look ahead which I know is easier said than done. Sending some hugs your way for now. Xxx


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  • Thankyou for replying and reminding me to breathe!! Top advice. One day at a time…… it’s the waiting that’s just so hard. Need to find a good way to get out of my head!!

    hope you are doing ok?

  • Hi - so sorry you are going through this anxious time - it really is awful just waiting and your mind just won't rest imagining every possible scenario.

    It really is a rollercoaster of emotions - I found I faced a lot on my own as didn't want to worry my family (they wre already scared and upset by my diagnosis)

    I too had lobular cancer ER+, HER-. Instead of lumpectomy it was thought a mastectomy was the better option as there were no clear margins (very difficult with lobular to see where tumor ends)

    Coped well with the mastectomy but did have a positive result for the nodes taken which resulted in further surgery for total clearance of nodes.

    As the tumor was 3.8 cm I did not require radiotherapy. This was followed by oncotype testing. My markers were scored at 15 which sits at the point chemotherapy would be of little benefit. I was so relieved - I had already received an appointment with an oncologist so thought chemo definitely on the cards.

    I wish I could give you some advice on how to deal with all the worry whilst waiting for these results but I honestly don't know how I got through it. I just put one foot in front of the other -  my family were amazing as well as close friends. If you can talk to those closest to you do it, they will not have the answers, but even talking about it can make you feel better and they will understand better what you are going through.

    I hope your results are the best possible but if chemo is the best option for you - you will face it I am sure. Just think of what you have already faced and come out the other side.

    Sending you Heart

  • Thankyou for lovely replies

    just to let you know - clear margins this time!

    feels like the first bit of good news in a while!

    so now on to the oncologist…..