One positive node

  • 32 replies
  • 265 subscribers

A question. I had 4 nodes out. 1 in positive.

would that have been the one closest to the primary breast tumour and then 2,3,4 are next along the line. Meaning that the first node is as far as it’s got?

or is it just random which one it goes to?

In which case how would one know - without removing them all and testing that it’s  not in nodes say 7,8,9 etc 

no one suggesting taking them all out. Just wondering what makes them so sure it hasn’t spread beyond the first node??

thanks all

  • I think I've heard of 'Look Good and Feel Better' but not checked out yet. Thanks for the reminder.

    Indeed, you're right.  As India Arie sings, I am not my hair:

    Not a bad idea re the scarves shop, though I think others are doing it, if not specifically for us cancer chickas

  • Hello there,  thanks for asking how I am doing as I am doing really well.  On anastrazole which gives me issues with hot flashes, sleep issues, muscle aches, dryness of vagina but all in all I can manage pretty well .  I find that exercise keeps me feeling good and my goal is not to let that medicine make me change the way I want to live. Going through diagnostic tests and treatment is the hard part as seems like plans change so that is hard.  We all have our challenges but this site is wonderful as a the women are so willing to share.  I live in Florida so we don’t have a NHS so things are different but still a lot of similarities too.  
    Hugs to you .
