Has cancer spread?

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  • 267 subscribers

I had a mastectomy two years ago and I have written here before about the pain and stiffness in my joints which I thought could be caused by taking Letrozole.. I saw a Musculoskeletal specialist andFrowning2he referred me for pain management. I then had a phone call asking me to go for a MRI scan which I did in early May. I  nothing although , as asked , I let the doctor know that I had had the scan  I did  look in my nhs and surgery records but there was nothing. I went today for the appointment for the Pain management and the doctor looked through my notes and told me that they had seen  something suspicious on the scan and the cancer may have spread to the spine. I was totally unprepared for this news and  it came as a shock. I had had a nuclear medicine scan previously and all was clear no sign of cancer. I am disturbed that I hadn’t been informed that  there was evidence on the scan of something The scan was taken more than eight weeks ago. My daughter  has been unwell for months and is having her blood tested for blood cancer. My husband died 18 months ago from cancer. I am sick of cancer. Sorry this is not more upbeat but I am allowing myself to feel sorry for us for today. Just glad to get it off my chest. Xxx IFrowning2️ 

  • Hi Coral

    Sorry to hear that your cancer may have spread to the spine, I'm also sorry to hear about your daughter and your husband.  No need to apologise for not being more upbeat, you've been through a lot.

    Wishing you and your daughter the best of luck with whatever comes next for you both.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Coral,

    I'm so sorry you're having to go through so much , you're really having a horrible time.

    I think its only to be expected that you're not up beat at the moment and this is a good place to talk about how you are feeling.

    I truly hope that you and your daughter receive some more positive news and wish you all the best going forward.

  • I was very sorry to read this. I wish you and your daughter all the best and am sending you a hug