B3 with atypia - biopsies inconclusive, anyone had this?

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My first biopsies I had done can back inconclusive it's says on my letter it came back showing B3 with atypia!? Has anyone else had this and what was your outcome? I have just had a surgical incisional biopsy and have to wait till 9th July for the results. The not knowing is so hard x

  • Hi  , I’m not a medic and haven’t had this result myself but can share some past experiences that sound sort of similar. About 15 years ago I found a breast lump that felt like a marble. There were no ‘one stop shops’ then so investigations took ages. First a consultation where the doctor said it felt highly suspicious. Instant panic. Mammogram next, wait for results - inconclusive. So another appointment with consultant, where he did an ultrasound and needle biopsy. Results came back as atypical cells - still inconclusive. So next was a punch biopsy - results still just ‘atypical cells’ so advice was to remove it. I had a lumpectomy (just a small incision), results the following week - a benign fibroadenoma! The relief was immense. Then a few years later another referral - this time an ultrasound showed just cysts so left alone as no discomfort. My next referral was more recent and things had definitely moved forwards as I had a doctor consultation, then mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies all in the same morning. And when I saw the doctor again after all the scans, she said there and then that she was sure it was cancer. The biopsy results confirmed this and I had wide local excision and sentinel node sampling, followed by radiotherapy and ongoing hormone treatment. 
    So, sorry for long ramble, but your case sounds like maybe it might end up like my fibroadenoma experience? I hope so, and that you are a short term member here. But if it does turn out to be cancer in the end, do bear in mind that breast cancer is very treatable nowadays. 
    Wishing you well, keep posting and letting us know what happens. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
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