Hospital date

  • 4 replies
  • 267 subscribers
  1. A couple of weeks ago I had my surgery date for lumpectomy and up to 4 nodes removed pencilled in for 2nd July, I've now had my pre op and had my scout fitted. How close to the day do you get confirmation. Many thanks 
  • Hi Daveday

    Sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer.  You usually get confirmation about a week before your operation date.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your operation.

    Best wishes


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  • I got a phone call on Tuesday to go for my pre op the next morning and consultant appointment Thursday afternoon. Couple of hours later they rang again to say I could see the consultant that same day if I could get there as they'd had a cancellation. When I saw the consultant he said my op is 24th, tomorrow 

  • Hi Daisy53

    Thank you for for your reply, hoping to hear something early this week 

  • Hi Redc

    That's really good to hear you are having your op tomorrow. Sending my very best wishes