Diagnosis to treatment

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  • 269 subscribers

Hi everyone new to this and my first post Wave tone2 I was diagnosed two weeks ago with stage 2 grade 2 breast cancer . ill will be having a mastectomy.I was just wondering how long have you waited from diagnos to have your surgery done ? And i still havent heard from my breast care nurse is this normal . Thank you

  • Hi and welcome to the group non of us want to belong to.

    everyone’s journey is different it depends on the type of cancer and where you live o think. I was diagnosed end of January with grade 2 oestrogen positive, progesterone positive her2 negative invasive lobular cancer. I had to have follow up mri and ultrasound before my mastectomy. I had my surgery on 21st May my follow up appointment where I find out what other treatment is necessary is 5th July

  • Hi welcome to the group- I was diagnosed with stage 2, grade 2 in January- they told me at my biopsy, ultrasound appointment that it most likely was cancer but found out for definite 2 weeks later 21st January I think. I didn't need a follow-up mri. My lumpectomy and I  had the other breast reduced slightly for symmetry was 7 Feb. 2 weeks after surgery I had my results appointment with the surgeon and luckily the cancer was downgraded to stage 1 grade 1 and clear margins no lymph nodes involved which was best outcome I could have hoped for. I had radiotherapy mid April. I think I've been lucky to have had my treatment quickly. I'm now on letrozole for 5 years. Best wishes hope all goes well for you xx 

  • Hi and welcome. I had a mastectomy and reconstruction, the time period was 10 weeks. If I had had just a mastectomy they could have done it in about half that time I think. I’m guessing it’s all down to coordinating teams and theatres. 
    Best wishes


  • Hi I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction and bilateral sentinel lymph node removal on 21st May.. this was 8 weeks from my initial appointment of biopsy mammogram and ultrasound where I was told it was cancer but confirmed later..in that 8 week period I also had mri and ct and then a further biopsy..I had my follow up 2 weeks later and I'm now waiting for chemo..I thought that was pretty quick really...hope this helps..x

  • Hello

    I think I have been very 'lucky' in that I was diagnosed on 8th May and am starting chemo on 24th June. Originally I was going to have surgery on 24th June but now it's changed to chemo first. I think it's been a quicker than average timescale because I live in a relatively low population area. 

    If you are anxious about wait times ask your breast cancer nurse what average wait is in your area. You should have been given a number to contact the nurses so don't wait for her to call you if you are worried. Give them a call and try and get the answers you need. 

    I hope you get a date soon and wish you a speedy recovery. 

    Big hug.  X