Got the diagnosis.

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  • 265 subscribers

After waiting 18 days from the three biopsys, got my results - which I was dreading/eager for all at the same time. Two grade 2 cancerous tumours - 24mm & 18mm - and the third area is benign. 

Asked how quickly they can get it out of me, so I’m very lucky to be booked into surgery on the 13th June. A week before my 37th birthday.

Opted for a mastectomy, as with two tumours and only b cup boobs, I wouldn’t have much left after a lumpectomy. They’ll be doing a sentinel node biopsy at the same time.

Already taken my bloods to do genetic testing. Breast cancer history in my family and I have two little girls. 

  • Hello RuthyNorthEast,  Well it is good to hear that surgery is scheduled soon.  Makes sense to have mastectomy as you are right about not having much tissue left after the lumpectomy.  I am a 34 A and had lumpectomies on both breasts and if there had been more cancer I would not have been able to have lumpectomy.  
    genetic testing is a good idea too.  
    Take card and Happy Birthday.  Wishing you the best on upcoming surgery.  Dr Liz O’Riordan on YouTube has excellent videos on everything breast cancer.  

    Hugs to you.
