3 week ultrasound today ,to check if treatment is shrinking my breast tumour

  • 5 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Morning all,

I have an appt today to see if my chemotherapy and immunotherapy is shrinking my tumour. I have only had 3 treatments so not expecting miracles but hopeful all the same. Just wondered if anyone else have had an ultrasound so early in treatment. I have tnbc but very lucky caught early and no spread to lymphnodes x

  • Hi Budsbails23,

    Snap! I too was  diagnosed with TNBC at the end of March and have also just had my 3rd infusion (so now that's 1 cycle done) Hope everything is going well for you and you are coping ok?! I haven't had an ultrasound and as far as I know, there isn't one planned anytime soon. I can however, already feel a massive difference of the size of lump in breast!! Hushedmy lymph nodes are also "not suspicious" so these are all good things!! Xx

  • Hi minesamalbac,

    Thank you,I didn't have an ultrasound after,as in the words of the consultant I'm having trouble even finding the lumpGrin yes all gd thank you,I was diagnosed too on March 28th.Hope yu are okay too,really gd news you also can feel a difference in your lump xx

  • Hi, I had a scan halfway through and they were able to see a good level of shrinkage, which surprised me, but also gave me good incentive to get through the rest of the chemo. Best wishes 

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  • Hi Irishgirl16,

    That's great news,glad your treatment is going well.Yes agree even though I didn't expect anything this early,it was lovely to hear the consultant say it was all gd news. Good luck with the rest of your treatment xx

  • What a fantastic thing to hear!! Smiley so pleased for you!!... I was diagnosed on 28th March too... Let's smash this! Xx