Finding comfy sleep position after lumpectomy

  • 8 replies
  • 269 subscribers

Hi, I was diagnosed with tnbc in September 2003, I’ve completed 8 x three weekly rounds of chemo and immunotherapy.

Today I had my lumpectomy in my right breast. 
Any tips for sleeping? I normally sleep on my right side, but can’t after op. I’m knackered and uncomfortable Persevere 

  • Hi , I’m a right side sleeper , op was RB. V pillows are amazing . And use a normal pillow to keep your op arm slightly elevated . I still use my v pillow . Dunelm and Amazon have them Blush

  • Hi  , I’m a left side sleeper and had lumpectomy on that side. I learned to sleep on my back as it was the only possible position for many months post op. Too sore to lie on the op side, and felt too unsupported to lie on the right. I used pillows to support my left arm for quite a while, and they also stopped me from rolling on to my left side in my sleep. I hated it at first but got used to it in the end. At times I also used a pillow under my legs, at the back of my knees, and even sometimes under my ankles! Sounds crazy but it was the only way to get comfortable at times. I have to say I was very glad to get back to my normal position but it did take time. Sorry you’re having this issue, I remember it well. You really don’t need it on top of everything else. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hiya.

    I bought a V shaped pillow knowing id have to sleep on my back, plus my heart shaped pillow to go under my lumpectomy side arm pit. The combination worked well until I was able to sleep on my side aSee no evilin. Oh and a pillow under my knees !!! Lots of pillows basically, good job I have a super king size bed See no evil.

  • Hi I found a  v pillow was great , I slept on my back mostly with it and put an extra pillow under my arm op side . 9 weeks on and I’m still not sleeping on my op side , not that it hurts but think I’veeducated myself not to roll that way Rofl. Also found v pillow great for support when I was sitting on sofa too . Hope you get more comfy x 

  • I had bilateral lumpectomies and found rolling a sleeping bag behind my knees stopped me rolling over and slipping down bed. V Pillow kept me slightly upright and small heart pillow under arm softened things .... doesn't take too long to get comfy again. Take care

  • Thank you for the tips, got a V cushion Ok hand

  • Thank you, I rolled a duvet for under the knees, and bought a v cushion, slept better last night x