Paclitaxel and cold cap

  • 13 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hi all, 

I am looking to understand shedding patterns from moving from AC or EC to T or Paclitaxel in my case.

Does it ease off or continue to be the same? I am after my fourth cycle and have experienced heavy shedding on No 4 but only started from day 25. Any comparisons would be good to hear about. 

thanks! :-) 

  • Hi SLou55

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer.  While I don't have an answer for your question I noticed that you haven't had any replies yet so I thought I'd reply to you to welcome you to the forum and to move your question to the top of the discussion.

    Wishing you the best of luck with the rest of your treatmemt.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi,

    I had 4 cycles of EC followed by 4 cycles of Paclitaxel and cold capped throughout. I started to shed after the second cycle of EC and stopped shedding around the third cycle of Paclitaxel. My hair is very thin on my crown but i've kept a reasonable amount all around the edges which is growing quite well. Can't tell if there's any regrowth on my crown yet!

    Hope everything goes well for you.

     Slight smile

  • Thanks for this, very helpful. Did you find Paclitaxel easier to tolerate in general? 

  • I had 4 cycle of EC started first week in August 2023 I wore cold cap throughout then moved onto 4 cycle of Paclitaxel I stopped wearing the cold cap. When I started to looking like a monk I shaved my head at the end of October it was after my first cycle of Paclitaxel.

  • Thanks hope you are feeling well now  It’s hard to know how I will go with the Paclitaxel. Starting soon and have full head of hair (but thinning) after four AC but hair coming out every day so not sure if I will continue shedding or how well I am doing or otherwise. I guess time will tell. 

  • I found the first Paclitaxel really hard as had more fatigue than on EC, sensitivity to heat in fingers and toes and came out in 2 different rashes. After discussing with Oncologist they reduced dose to 80% and the remaining 3 cycles were much easier than EC.

  • I had an alergic reaction, not to Paclitaxel but the amount of antihistamines they were giving with Paclitaxel. Who would think that someone can be alergic to antihistamines I laugh now but it wasn't funny at the time. I sailed it through with EC but Paclitaxel experience wasn't so straightforward. Nurses were suggesting it was a better one compare to EC but it wasn't for me. I suppose we all different and have different experiences with different medication. I still have issues with finger tips strugling with shirt buttons since Paclitaxel.

  • Thank you. I am getting there. I thought once the chemo and radioteraphy finished, I would be done with it all, but I realise mow that it is a long journey we just learn to live with it.

    Keping the hair saves the hassle of finding a wig or head cover. I hope you keep your hair on as long as you can. Good luck.

  • You're so right it is a long journey and hard trying to adapt to each different treatment and side effects. I'm due to start 3 weeks of Radiotherapy in a couple of weeks - do you have any tips? I've already armed myself with a good moisturiser but can't bear the thought of weeks of fatigue!

  • Thanks  and  and yes it’s pot luck as to what we react to but you’re right it’s a long journey and more than just the treatments! That said I can’t wait to be done with chemo! It’s so long. Fingers crossed I won’t get an allergy. I was reduced to 80 too on first batch. Not sure if this carries over for the next round. All a bit of a minefield.