Surgery day today is finally done! Good experience

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  • 265 subscribers

Lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy is finally over. 

I have worried about how I’d be afterwards since the day the surgery was booked. Before theatre I had the good fortune of chatting to some lovely ladies, one in particular had had the process done 3 weeks previously and she was full of encouraging information. It’s so good to be amongst real people with real shared experiences. 
Process was seamless and the staff were beyond exceptional, I felt like I had booked in to a hotel for the day with the greatest of attendants. I actually had a nice experience and was put at ease and guided through each step the entire time. We’re so blessed to have such healthcare at our disposal. 

Didn’t take long, entry to exit was 5 hours, and I’m home and haven’t even looked at a painkiller, no discomfort as much plus I have full range of motion and zero numbness and generally feel really good. I know it’s not unicorns and rainbows for every case and I’ve been very fortunate but I felt the need to share that it’s not always doom and gloom. Also I know there’s many more hurdles likely headed my way but I’ll deal with that when it comes.

For anyone about to undergo the process be courageous and know that you can do this, you really can and I wish you all well, and remember, you’ll likely make a few good friends along the way who truly get you. I wish everyone well

  • Hi MaryDoll

    It's good to hear that your surgery went well and that you felt well looked after.  It's always nice to hear a good news story as you don't hear about them very often.

    Wishing you the best of luck with whatever comes next for you.

    Best wishes


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  • These forums have been both a blessing and a curse to me. I have found invaluable information but some of it has also worked me up to a tizzy. I feel like I’ve only been away to have bloods taken or a simple process and just felt the need for anyone about to have this done that it’s not always bad and be hopeful. 

    it’s like product reviews, people will take the time to write a bad one but not necessarily a good one. Have hope people, we can all do this, take each day at a time and I truly wish I had heard of some good experiences before I went. 

    thank you Daisy53, best wishes to you and I hope you’re well

  • I am thanks Mary Doll.

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