Breast Lumps

  • 6 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Just been to doctors about more lumps in my breast but she said because I’ve had previous ones checked just a few months ago then she’s no sure why I’m bothering!!!! She did examine me and confirmed that there are 2 more lumps in the same breast but a different area. She said well I’ll contact the clinic but I don’t think they will be quick in seeing you again…any advice on what I could do next would be greatly appreciated xx

  • Hi Dihenni welcome to the forum. I am shocked reading your post that a GP would be so offhand about referring you to the clinic. You have 2 new lumps so they most certainly do need to see you and ask the GP about the 2 week referral service for new lumps and bumps at the breast clinic.. Do not under any circumstances be put off pushing to have these checked. I would be tempted to call the surgery, see if you could speak to that GP and explain how unconcerned they were means you are left in limbo and that is not the way things are meant to happen. Do not give up on this. Xxxx


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  • Thank you Granny59 for the advice I really wasn’t sure what to do as she also said they will maybe look at the scans of the previous lumps and decide from there but I’m like ITS DIFFERENT LUMPS!!! Xx

  • Totally agree with you you must be seen again. X


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  • Contact breast clinic direct where you were seen and explain there's new lumps xx

  • Thanks Grogg I actually wasn’t sure if I could do that which is why I went through the doctor but I suppose I could phone them and try.

    thanks D xx

  • They are normally very understanding when you ring.   Was signed off by them after 5 years and back on routine.  At my last routine they told me because I'm in the system if I've any concerns just ring BC unit, by passing GP.   Good luck