EC and Paclitaxel

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  • 266 subscribers

3 years ago I was diagnosed with HER2 and hormone positive breast cancer and I found a lot of support from other people who were on the same treatment plan and schedule as me.    In December I found my cancer had returned and after 2 lots of surgery and a massive delay due to infection I started the first of 15 cycles of chemo.   3 cycles of EC followed by 12 of Paclitaxel.    I was wondering if anyone else was on the same journey.    It’s been a rough start.    WBC of 0.8, infection markers up resulting being put on antibiotics and a DVT!    Don’t get me started on the complete nausea which comes and goes in waves.  

  • I’m also on a similar regime. I’ve had one cycle of EC and have 3 more to do. How far are you on your journey? I have my second one tomorrow. I’m sorry it came back for you? Did you have any other treatment the first time? 

  • I have done one cycle last week, and 2 more EC to go,so all a bit new here atm.   I had surgery, chemo, radio, immunotherapy and failed to get on with the hormone treatment 

  • I hope it went ok for you. I had some nausea too which even now I get moments of nausea but it’s not constant and eases off quickly especially if I eat. Sometimes I get it when I’m lying in bed but it doesn’t stop me from sleeping. 

  •  Im really struggling  to eat and drink at the moment , can't find what I want to do of either