Radiotherapy effects

  • 7 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hi, I am in day 4 of 5 day radiotherapy treatment and having a lot of pain again in breast and nipple, swollen beast and starting to go red. I thought the effects would a week or so after I finished treatment. Has anyone else had effects whilst in treatment especially so early on in it? Thank you 

  • Hi Bluebell50  welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear how much discomfort that you are in. That 4 days of Radiotherapy is at a higher dose and whilst it may seem early to you it is in fact about day 10/12 in smaller doses if that makes sense. This will most likely be the Radiotherapy and it is important to keep an eye on the skin so that it doesn't break down. If this does happen then either talk to your team or the GP surgery as they can prescribe cream to help with this. Try to drink plenty and I mean loads as this keeps the skin moisturised and dont rub skin but gently apply cream to any sore areas. My Gp prescibed me some Dermacool which is great, it is non hormonal and takes the heat out of the skin. 


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  • Hiya , I developed redness and swelling from the first day of the 5 day treatment. This worsened over the next few days but since then slowly improved. I’m two weeks post treatment and just a bit tender now. I to worried and was anxious how bad it would get. After day 3 I had a phone review with the oncology nurse who said they were seeing more early reactions with the accelerated doses. Fingers crossed that your skin reaction settles quickly x

  • Thank you so much for your reply! That makes sense. Wish they had told me this so wouldn’t have worried so much! 

  • Thank you. This is so reassuring that not the only one. I started thinking I was such a baby mosning about how much pain I was in Rolling eyes

  • I had 10 doses and I'm also a red head so sensitive to the sun anyway.  My boob was red raw and looked like sunburn. My skin below my boob broke out and was raw and "burnt". I was given some cream from the nurses, which really did help. I treated my burns like they were sun burned, so put cool danp cloths over the area which also helped.

    You're almost there.  Keep going and I hope you get something to take the pain away x

  • Hi Bluebell50, I am sorry to hear that you’ve been suffering. I too had 5 sessions of RT, the first of which was on a Friday before a bank holiday. The next day I had incredible pain throughout the day, on my left side. I was almost ready to go to A&E, the thought of a Saturday waiting though put me off! The pain gradually subsided over the course of the weekend. I told the radiologists at my next session and they monitored it before each session. I then experienced the same pain 16 days after my last RT and went on for 5days. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that we’re all different and react differently  to treatment. Make sure you tell someone and get reassurance along the way, that’s what they’re there for, and will be happy to help you. I also checked in with my GP. ( as  over my heart) I agree with what others have said too…drink lots of water and moisturise. Good luck and I hope you are soon feeling well again

  • That’s sound’s horrific Cry. Glad you are ok now. I have e45 and aloe Vera which I use twice a day. Will try wet cloths too!