left arm and hand swollen. veins also showing left side.

  • 2 replies
  • 266 subscribers

I Have Breast Cancer and am now taking Capecitabine Tablets. However I have a left Swollen arm and Hand, the actual Cancer being in my left side Arm pit ( Axillary). I also have Veins now showing also near the left arm pit towards the left side of the neck. I really need to know if there is anyone out there that has experienced this and if so what was done, and does it eventually all heal once the New Tablets im taking kick in. Please Help me with this Dilemma. TigerPoppy63.

  • Hi TigerPoppy63

    Sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer.  I suggest that you contact your chemo nurse or breast care nurse about your swollen arm and hand as in my experience of having taken Capecitabine tablets that shouldn't happen.

    Wishing you the best of luck with the rest of your treatment.

    Best wishes


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  • Daisy is right you need to speak to your team. After surgery veins have to re map themselves and can appear they are called collatorolls and are normal. If your arm is swollen it could be lymphodeama and your team can check this out and treat it