Breast cancer

  • 10 replies
  • 269 subscribers
  1. I have been diagnosed with left breast cancer and lymph under my left armpit since April it was the first time I noticed the lump. So far I've had 2 biopsy, pat scan and MRI since, I'm still waiting for treatment to start. Has anyone gone though the same? Would like some advice on what's the next step will be.
  • Hi,

    Yes I have had very similar. I had a mastectomy because the lump was quite big in relation to my breast but some people,e have a lumpectomy.  I am also in the older age group,on my own so appearances are not so important. The operation was fine an d I recovered very quickly and have full use of arm etc. I am now waiting to see oncologist on Thursday to see if I need preventative treatment. Hope this helps a bit but everyone's journey is different but I have found everyone supportive and willing to explain but we have the final decision. Good luck keep us informed.xx

  • Thank you so much for replying it has made me feel better and less anxious. If you don't mind me asking do you know what the size of the lump was. Mine is somewhere between 2.2mm - 2.5mm. Hope you have a speedy recovery and everything goes well. Wish you all the best, please keep us informed too. Xx

  • Hello and sorry you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  I was just checking to see if your lump was mm and not cm as a 2.2 mm -2.5mm tumor is very small.  I had a 3mm invasive ductal cancer with 6mm DCIS in one breast and in the other breast had DCIS so had 2 lumpectomies and radiation and now on anastraxole.  I was 71 when diagnosed and finished all my treatments except for hormone blockers at 72. I am 75 now so doing well.  Hate the yearly mammograms though as always get nervous.  Take care of yourself.


  • Sorry it was 40mm  missed the 0 off!!

  • Sorry I ment to say 22mm and now they have found another nearby of 6mm. I'm just a bit worried and want my treatment to start as soon as possible, I have a fear about it spreading. I'm sorry to hear about what you went though but you are a true fighterand made it this far, hope you have a heathly life and bless you.

  • Mines is 22mm on the left breast.

  • I was given letrizone straight away as soon as biopsies came back positive to stop anything growing, still waiting surgery.

  • Amelia is in the same boat, type 3 breast cancer, going through lots of test and seeing the oncologist next Tuesday.  After that she should have a definite plan and that will be better.  I hope that you surgeon said the same thing to you that ours did to Amelia: "we have caught it early and we can cure you."  One in eight women go through it, they say, so you will find plenty of experience and support if you look for it.  Good luck and keep us in the loop.

  • I guess everyone journey is different and treatment are different, hope everything goes well for you, I will be having chemo first then surgery.

  • Hope things go good for Amelia and hope the best for the plan, I guess everyone treatment are considered according to individual. I'm just a bit worried about the chemo taking place and the side effects from it. Still don't know what stage I'm in and hopefully will get answers on coming Monday on seeing the oncologist. Please keep us updated on how things go.