Triple negative breast , chemo side effects

  • 4 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hi , 

just started my paclitaxel carbo chemo 2 days go , having terrible back pain with right groin Pain and symptoms of uti , tried paracetamol, buscopan , hot water bottle, no relief , called chemo nurse , she thinks it’s uti caused by the meds it may have irritated my bladder . Anyone having similar symptoms while being on Paclid carbo . ? 

  • Hi, sorry you're having such side effects, that sounds rough.  I haven't got the experience myself,  but I noticed your post hasn't had any replies yet. My response will bump you back to the top of the forum and I hope someone with the right experience will be along soon. Best wishes  

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi I was diagnosed in May 22 with stage 4 triple negative breast cancer that had also spread to my lungs.  Since then I have been on 3 different types of chemotherapy, immunotherapy and I am currently on targeted therapy.

    I have suffered from several UTI's as a result of treatment. I recommend once you clear the current UTI ask your team for a low dose antibiotic to prevent recurring UTI's. I take Amoxicillin 250mg low dose every night and have been UTI free for at least 6 months 

    Hope this helps. 

  • Hi , 

    Thsnks for the reply, 

    well I got discharged yesterday after Ct IV contrast CAP to make sure I haven’t developed any serious complications post my first chemo , apparently all results were normal , doctors thinks it might be cystitis or chemo related pain that have felt , it was the worst pain ever , I was on morphine , paracetamol, buscopan , fluids , but it just wouldn’t go always . Since yesterday it has been bearable , and I got discharged to discuss my side effects with my oncologist before the next chemo cycle , I have noticed this episode has given me weakness in my legs , cramps and restless legs, have also developed sudden hard skin around my finger tips ? Peripheral neuropathy ? It’s just the first cycle scd it has struck me so hard ! 
    feeling very sad and tired already , very sleepy with no energy at all 

  • Hi Shaz210,I was diagnosed with TNBC in March this year. End of April,I had a severe allergic reaction to paxaital 20 seconds into my first infusion.This resulted in a break before i could start,  so I  completed week 2 of treatment last week. I have been moved on to Abaraxane now instead of pax.I need to take filgrastim injections for 3 days after my treatment to stimulate white blood cell growth.I found the first time I took these I had excruciating back pain groin pain and leg pain.I read up and seen research that said taken loratidine an hour before the injection helps.Well week two and apart from a mild ache in my back the loratidine has definitely worked.Are you on these injections at all,just wondering if this could be the cause of your pain.Maybe worth discussing with the oncologist x