Starting chemo

  • 10 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hi , I am going to be starting chemo soon.  I am HER2 positive , have had a lumpectomy and all margins clear and nothing in lymph nodes.  I know everyone is different with side effects and just wondered how most people felt after the first dose.  Also I would love to know anyone who has had the cold cap what their experience was and do they think it helped.  Thanks in advance.  Sending hugs to all.

  • I’m having EC and have only had one cycle so far. Side effect wise I had nausea and headache and sore throat which started during treatment which could be due to the cold cap rather than the chemo, I had constipation and stomach cramps, sore gums, and funny taste in mouth which started from day 7-8 which lasted a few days. Also headache from the injections I was given to boost my white blood cell count. Cold capping wise it’s hard to tell yet. I found it was very cold but wasn’t as bad as what I expected but that may be due to me having thick hair which cushioned my scalp. It may get worse as my hair thins. Hard to tell if it’s working as I’m only on day 14 and the shedding is meant to start from now. Have you met your oncologist yet?

  • Hi RKD,  thank you for that.  Yes I met him yesterday and he did go through everything but it’s now I,m trying to remember and thinking of things I could have asked.  I suppose my mind is trying to imagine what I will feel like, I am also trying to figure out when likely to be able to work.

  • Hi 

    it depends on the chemo - I had docetaxil and Carboplatin as well as phesgo targeted therapy

    worst symptoms for me

    - awful taste, everything tastes awful 

    - feeling shaky

    - feeling sore - hips, knees, heels, arms, legs, chest.

    and twitching muscles - cramping

    I had my 6th and last chemo on Friday and have felt pretty awful with all of the above since Sunday. However it will be worth it and I am grateful to have been given the treatment.

  • Thank you Gloriaj, I will be having docetaxil and trastuzumab with the herceptin inj starting on round 4.  I am amazed and feel extremely lucky how quick our NHS has looked after me.

  • Hi

    Sorry, I can't help with regards to your chemo  because I am having weekly Paclitaxel.

    I've cold capped throughout the 11 sessions I've had so far and began shedding hair after the 4th treatment but not in clumps .  The hair loss is more noticeable on my crown but is easily covered by headbands. I still have a reasonable amount of hair remaining.

    I've continued cold capping because being post menopausal I was concerned about permanent hair loss if I didn't. 

    The most difficult part is during the first 10 to 15 minutes, after that I don't really notice the cold too much, the nurses give me a blanket and I take a thick cardigan with me. I also take 2 paracetemol 1 hour  before putting  the cold cap on and have a hot drink  during the initial cooling down.

    Good luck with your treatments


  • Hi, thank you so much for sharing that with me.  It does help ease my anxiety all the advice.

    thank you

  • Hi Nicandgrace

    I’ve just had my 3rd EC chemo & am due to have 3 Docetaxel. 

    Side effects for me have been: fatigue & lightheadedness, extreme at times. Some nausea but not too bad. Having to eat food slower as it takes longer to swallow & can be uncomfortable going down gullet, hot drinks uncomfortable in early days. Constipation. Taste different. Hiccups! Sore throat. Cough. Very thirsty & urinating more. Numb tingling legs with some pain (after self injection to help bone marrow). Stabbing pains in left breast where I had lumpectomy plus 2nd op as margins weren’t clear in 1st. Pain also under arm where I’d had auxiliary lymph node clearance. Not that painful though. Hot flushes in face. Slight nose bleeds. 

    This sounds daunting but I found most only lasted 6-8 days then I picked up quick, even managing to go back to work the 3rd week each time. Docetaxel may be different though.

    Regarding cold cap; I have thick curly hair that’s just past shoulder length that I had cut a bit shorter in prep for chemo & decided not to cold cap as outcomes varied so much & EC chemo is bad for hair loss. Just my choice though as others may disagree but I know I would’ve been anxious after each cycle as to how much hair I would still lose. At least this way I knew it was going to. I was surprised how quick my hair started to fall out though. Exactly 2 weeks after the 1st chemo each day I was shedding & lost about 80-85% in less than 2 weeks. Still have about 10% around edges which is great for bandanas etc!

    All the best


  • Hi, I can’t comment on side effects as I’ve had EC and Paclataxal. I did have the injections though and they made me feel like I’d been beaten from head to toe with a bat for 2 days. 
    I would look up your chemo and the success rate of the cold cap. I was determined to cold cap throughout but I hated it.  I passed out with it the first time and they had to take it off the second time just before I passed out again. My hair was falling out too. I absolutely hated it and found it more stressful than the chemo. However, there was an old lady on her 50th session wearing a cold cap and doing really well. 
    It’s very personal choice, I’d say if your odds are over 50% then try it, you can take it off anytime if it’s not for you.  
    Good luck x

  • Hi sanguine

    thank you very much for replying.  I really appreciate hearing the different symptoms as it give me an idea of things that might happen are all normal with this treatment and help stop me from panicking a little.

    All the very best 


  • Hi MartiniA

    thank you for replying.  Sorry to hear about you passing out , it must have been awful.  It is all very daunting and hard to imagine, but I feel lucky that I have the options.

    all the best and good luck.
