Help Please

  • 2 replies
  • 265 subscribers

I was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 years ago, had lumpectomy and radiotherapy and put on medication for 10 years. Had my yearly mammogram 3 months ago, everything was clear.

Ive had cellulitis in my breast, put on antibiotics and it’s cleared, I’ve been referred to the breast clinic as there’s a red area in my breast that’s very hot and the skin is like orange peel. If the mammogram was clear have I anything to worry about.

  • Hi Shirley75 welcome to the forum. This sounds very like a lymphoedema developing and thats how mine started.  How long were you on the Antibiotics for ? The reason I ask is that when cellulitis or lymphoedema are suspected a 2 week course is required to clear this up and it is a very specific antibiotic but they should be able to tell you about all this at the Breast Clinic. I was back and forth for a few visits until we found out what was causing the red skin and orange peel appearance on the breast.   


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  • Hi Granny59

    Thank you for answering back, it’s appreciated, I’ve got the breast clinic this week so hopefully it’ll be sorted. I’ve been on oral antibiotics for one week, but was taken into hospital and was given quite a few doses of IV antibiotics.