Tchp Chemo and feeling depressed.

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  • 267 subscribers


I’ve had 5/6 tchp  chemo but it is making me so depressed, I feel so sad all the time my head is just spinning . Has anyone stopped chemo and not had the final one , I just don’t think I can go through it again ! I know my family say I have too but I feel like it’s breaking me and it’s scary ! 

  • Hi, you are so close to finishing. My mood was also very low during chemo. I kept this to myself as I’m usually the strong person for the rest of my family. I wasn’t expecting the low mood and to be honest I had not experienced that feeling before. However chemo has finished and my mood has lifted. As with us all I don’t know what the future holds but what I do know is that I managed the full dose of chemo and I have given this cancer my all as I try and reduce my risk of recurrence. 
    I’m sending you a virtual hug, we go through a lot on our cancer journey and our mental health is severely affected. I hope yours improves soon. 

  • Hi SJH01 I  would advise you to speak to your GP. I didn't have to have Chemo but after radiotherapy I felt very low, I was anxious, worried and crying alot - my GP prescribed me sertraline which immediately settled my mood and made hot flushes reduce so I can get some sleep now as well. I really hope you feel better soon  it's a really difficult time. Sending hugs xx

  • Hi SJH01

    Sorry to hear that you are feeling depressed. It’s completely up to you whether or not you want o have the final chemo but you are so close to the end and your mood should improve once you have finished chemo.

    Wishing you the best of luck whatever you decide to do.

    Best wishes


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  • Aw... SJHO1, I'm so sorry for what you are going through and that your family is pushing you. This is YOUR body and YOUR decision, not your family's. Trust yourself, talk to your doctor, and no matter what...Don't let your family make the decision for you. I'm sure it's out of great love, but only you truly know what you are going through. 

    Sending all the support and virtual hugs.

  • I had the same regime but didn’t suffer low moods.  My side effects mostly followed the same pattern except for the last round which was much better.  You are so close to finishing and have done so well it would be a shame to cut it short, however, it is totally your decision and should be respected.  Good luck with whichever route you take. Xx