Tamoxifen side effects

  • 2 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Dear forum, I have been diagnosed with invasive DCiS grade 1, so called the "good cancer" and had lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy.  I am currently waiting for my radiotherapy treatment and have been prescribed Tarmoxifen . I am opposing to take the drug at present as I am partially sighted and the drug can damage a retina in my good eye and furthermore I have fibroids in uterus. My cancer journey feels like a full time job , luckily I have been signed off until the end of June. So called "good cancer" has left me an emotional wreck. Has anyone tried other drugs apart from Tarmoxifen.  All best wishes to everyone x.

  • Hello Aggie L,  sorry you are dealing with all this cancer stuff.  It can be a bit confusing.  I was just wondering why they did SLNB if you only had DCIS as  DCIS does not have the potential to spread unless it has become an invasive cancer.  I had DCIS in one breast and Surgical oncologist said no need for SLNB.  Also had small invasive IDC in the other.  However I live in Florida and protocol may be different here.  
    I am on anastrazole as menopausal and have had 3 detached retinas.  First one at age 30 and was good until my mid 60’s.  Had surgeries for all of them.  I was also very worried so checked with my retina doctor and he assured me there was not anything to worry about as I was all tacked up.  I have been fine with my eyes but my situation is different from you as have many surgeries.  I lost a good portion of vision in right eye at age 30 but it is the area diagonally from nose to forehead so don’t notice it unless I cover the other eye.  
    Take care and hugs to you.Hugging


  • Hi Aggie L . I can relate to your concerns about taking tamoxifen,  I too am partially sighted and  have polyps in my uterus . I wasn’t aware of the retina problems it can cause and I’m going to speak to my oncologist about that at my next appointment. I’ve been taking tamoxifen for about 4 months now and don’t feel too bad , the worst thing is the hot flushes. I guess it’s a case of weighing everything up , it sure is tricky . I’ve been told that I’ll take tamoxifen for 3 yrs then something else for 2yrs . 
    I hope your radiotherapy goes well , how many sessions will you have ? Take each day as it comes and try and enjoy not working til the end of June .