Breast cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 266 subscribers


My daughter has breast cancer it will be a couple of weeks before she gets a grading & type of treatment .

What is the best way I can help will the illness make her poorly I'm sure the treatment will any advice please 


  • I am sorry your daughter has breast cancer. It is very difficult for families at this time as you are going through your own trauma and anxiety about her diagnosis. Breast cancer is a very broad term and every woman’s breast cancer is unique. Her medical team at this point will be finding as much as they can about her cancer prior to giving her a treatment plan. Most of this group have found this period the most difficult. All you can do is to be there for her, be upbeat as today our prognosis is very good. 

  • Hi. Sorry to hear of your daughter's diagnosis. What really helped me was the small stuff. Having fresh food cooked, or just a bit of toast made for me when I needed it.  The encouragement to get out and get some exercise, and keeping things normal. 

    Macmillan has a lot of resources, this link might be helpful for you Supporting someone with cancer

    best wishes to you both 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thanks will take that on board 

  • I'm so very sorry about your daughter. I was diagnosed in April- still waiting on a surgery date.

    My mom and dad are no longer with me.  But if they were here, I'd just want to feel like they supported me.

    Be there for your daughter when she wants to talk. Listen to her.

    Getting diagnosed feels like your world had dropped out from under your feet. So be the one she can be honest with about how she's feeling. Don't say it will all be okay. Don't make it all about the cancer.

    Once that word attaches to you, it felt like that's all you are anymore. Remind her who she is and just love her. 

    You're already a good mama, trying to figure out how best to help her. 

  • Thanks will do Thumbsup