Compression dressing

  • 2 replies
  • 265 subscribers

I had a mastectomy on Tuesday and am due to take my compression dressing off tomorrow what should I expect?

will it cause any further discomfort?

  • Hi Mamahill welcome to the forum and I am so sorry that you have not had  a response as yet.  Im assuming by the time you receive this you may have already taken the compression dressing off and hopefully this has been ok for you. I imagine that this will have been in place to minimise the build up of swelling and bruising and you may notice that this starts to come out in more bruising over time. You just need to be watchful for any build up of fluid which is perfectly normal but sometimes does need drained and again that is not an uncommon thing to happen so just keep an eye out for that. 

    Do come back and let us know how you are doing.   


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  • Thank you for your reply. It was a bit awkward getting the dressing off as the one underneath wanted to go with it and that’s not due to be removed till Tuesday when I see my breast care nurse.

    i can move a bit more freely with it off but will keep a eye open for fluid build up. My nurse recommended wearing my bra and comfy round the clock to help prevent this.