Found new breast lump

  • 2 replies
  • 264 subscribers

I had 2 lumps checked at the breast clinic a few months ago and mammogram never showed anything concerning but when I went for the ultrasound she was slightly concerned but because it was a certain consultant she said it should be fine but to come back in a month or 2 if still the same. Last week I found another lump which has been a bit painful but I’m thinking am I just being paranoid and don’t want to waste everyone’s time!! The lump is near a mole (maybe why it’s sore) and on the inside of the breast and after googling it it says it’s unlikely to be cancer if it’s on the inside…just wondering if anyone has any advice xx

  • Hi Dehenni, I personally would get all rechecked. Don’t worry about wasting anyone’s time. It’s better to get checked than to leave. Google is not a good thing to really use, cancer lumps I understand aren’t always painful there are many on here that would disagree. Be safe get them checked. Hopefully they will all be ok and nothing to worry about. 
    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Thanks cuffcake yea I think I’m best getting checked xx